Thursday 25 June 2009

उम फोर्गोत तो तेल उ ठाट इ मदे अ न्यू ब्लॉग लोल

फोर्गोत तो तेल यू ठाट इ मदे अ न्यू ब्लॉग ! http://jammyftse।blogspot।com/

Saturday 9 May 2009

might as well say how im going in the virtual trading ..

well basically i joined the players club and when i started i was even more of a newb than i am now and i bought and held onto sub-penny shares in return for for 3475y7834+9e% gain . Then i found - everything i learned is there, check it out later and buy the dvds at anyways, i was like 2000th outa the 3000 or so playing and down about 20%,got my facts right and now im up 46% on it. i was 160th or so, then i left ad made my own game i which i start off with 10k, on my first day i made a 7% return, i haven't been on it lately cos these exams maaan are they annoying.

thanks for reading and follow me and click those links to your right about 1 million times!

gotta keep the revising up :(

hey, what can i do passing exams is just as important as learning about stocks ( more important actually) and besides, i have all summer to learn- im gonna buy a laptop so i can blog more over the summer and trade some real money for a change.

well anyway the exams are about 2 and a half weeks away so il see you guys after that !

il blog more after these exams i swear! follow me and click my adsense links!!!!

Monday 4 May 2009

what iz up :)

bleh so i haven't posted in a while cos my exams are just short of 3 weeks away and i've been studying like a jew. anyway the virtual trading has been goin smooth i guess, although i left the players club and made a game of my own and in my first day on it i made 6%.

enough boasting ,if any of you want to learn how to chart, or trade stocks using techinal analysis, there are a few things you should check out. first , now go to amazon and check

and this is good aswell-

Tuesday 14 April 2009

bah, humbug

kinda bad day here, but hey, im experimenting and it's not real money im playing with. Anyway i went onto tim and seen that FEED could have been a good buy, so like the foo li am i bought it at 2.10, it fropped after that, solf it immediately for a loss. After that i seen ESIC at one of it routine lows -ESIC is one of the stocks that make me gain a lot, buy exploiting it's easy to predict cycle of rising and dropping, and ESIC's range is about 1.80-2.05, around that, so i bought heavily on ESIC at 1.90, its now at 1.85, damn. But the whole market's down so im not worried and ESIC always picks up sooner or later , il sell at about 1.96, if it goes to 2 im going to short.

Apart from that i've started revising for my exams, which are about 5 weeks away, i revised my ass off last time and got 6th in my year, with being top of the year in economics with a score of 97%
:). Anyway i started revising economics yesterday and i did ok ...i think it would help if i typed what i learned out on this blog.

thanks for reading

Sunday 12 April 2009

Okay people. hi il tell you a little stuff about me...

basically im a young guy who likes the stock market, but doesn't have enough money to play it, i mean where the hell am i gonna get 5k? . So let me say that in september 08, i new shit all about the stock market, then there was a meat scare ( i live in the UK) and i thought it would be a good idea to buy some shares of a meat company while they were low as i knew they'd come up again. unfortunately i didn't know how to find stocks then , but it introduced me into the world of the stock markets, where fortunes are made and lost overnight. i use google finance a lot and after a while a got a broker using the motley fool's share dealing-iut's pretty bad for those in the UK , as i like to play in the AMEX and NASDAQ and it costs £17.50 to buy international stocks.-a crap broker lol

Now i bought three shares, all of which are doing well , ESIC (bought at 2) GE(bought at 9.35) VMW (bought at 21.50_ . i would've sold ESIC but i was away when it peaked at 2.30, VMW is now at 30.01 and GE is at 11 something. now i should be making a gain of around 28% but since im so small time the comission NOM NOM NOM up my profits. i got sick of it i wanted to get an options broker, i was going to buy some VMW call 22.5 options, you know how much i would've made? eh?

Anyway, i wanted to play the market more so i tried the virtual stock exchnage, i joined a game called the players club and im now 326, as a the start i didnt think about anything and just bought in the hope of getting a 3000% return. after a week i was down 20%. so i looked into strategies, i wanted to learn about shortselling stocks , the best guy around would be Timothy Sykes, a former hedge fund manager who lost a third of his worth on a stubborn short, so he packed it in and became a blogger/trader who teaches people the art of shorting penny stocks, you have to check it out , at .

So i started playing on VSE (virtual stock exchange) and i learned a little on chart patterns, shorting and buying on breakouts, i went from -20% to +19.23% in a month and this month im up 37%. drop a comment on the page if you want to play me one VSE. if you wish to play in a VSE game i have created, in which you start of with 10k ...have two years to get a million.

thanks for reading!

Thursday 19 March 2009

hi thar